KN95 Face Mask (Sealed Packs of 20)
- Active carbon high-filtration mask with 5 layers
- Up To 50 Times Protection Against Non-Toxic Dusts, Fibres & Aqueous Mists
- High filtration efficiency and low breathing resistance
- Adjustable nose clip
- Easy To Store Due To Fold Flat design
*Not intended for medical use. So please, DO NOT purchase face masks with the false understanding they are 100% effective preventing infection from the Coronavirus. They are more about protecting others to reduce spread.
**Due to the personal hygiene nature of the product, face masks are non-returnable.
- We are shipping daily and have now expanded our requirements to include Medical Professionals. We still do not sell to at home tattooers but gladly sell to any medical professionals that need supplies. You are top priority, thank you for all you do!
Based on the guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control, we are taking all measures to ensure there is no contamination of our packages.
- Due to the ongoing pandemic, manufacturers have drastically increased the cost of all PPE, masks included. We are working hard to keep these costs down, keep PPE in stock, and find other sources to provide better options with better pricing.